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Tarsius Conservation

Tarsier Conservation is one of the focus of our conservation activities. This program has been started since 2008.

At that time with support from GEF Sgp Indonesia, together with my institution KPLB, we started doing project for

the conservation of endangered "ancient monkey" Tarsius (Chephalopacus Bancanus Saltator). This project was for

2 years, but from the beginning we have committed ourselves to make this sustainable and have a real positive

impact for both the environment and the community. Gratitude from the moment it started up to now is still

ongoing and has made a real contribution both on improving conservation status, public awareness, creating

alternative livelihoods for the community, the establishment of conservation-based tourism destination namely

Batu Mentas Natural Park and is currently trying to build a 'learning and education center for Tarsius.

Scientifically also has produced scientific data to enrich the conservation status of Tarsius. Almost every year around

dozens of students both diploma or PhD, from indonesian and abroad, come to our site for apprenticeship, research,

comparative studies, to prepare thesis or just internship. In the scientific context we can say that our research has

entered the 5th phase; 1) population research, 2) life pattern research and close sanctuary models, 3) research of the

mythical solving where tarsius before known as ghost monkey and animal who bring a bad luck so that become one

of the cause of  the decline of tarsier population. But grateful now the awareness of the stakeholders (people,

government) are already very high and they are very proud having the tarsier in their neighborhood, 4) artificial marriage research to help increasing the tarsier population. And thanks God, this program has successfully found the model and has 3 times have a baby as the results of this program. And now entering the 5th phase of the program which are  "The Tarsier Release Program from the Captive Breeding". This program is still in the preparation stage of the facility, and because of limited funds that we have so it runs so slow. For information all those activities and progress  is done independently and self financing.


But there is our current turmoil and anxiety, which when successfully declared that belitung has a very unique, endemic, cute and adorable animal, coupled with its very charming scientific stories, has made tarsier an object and appeal of tourism, and many who then make tarsiers as "selling item" for tourism and unfortunately only to seek profit, without a clear contribution to habitat protection, conservation programs and education. This has happened.

                                                          Therefore in October 2017, with high boldness despite its modest capital, we have launched our "KITA HEBAT" (We 

                                                           are Great). It means KITA Hijaukan Bersama Habitat Tarsius - LETS SAVE THE HABITAT OF TARSIER). This program aims

                                                           to increase the knowledge of the parties about Tarsius, in the hope that when the people knows about them better n

                                                           better, it will arise a sense of love and affection and care to preserve tarsiers, one way is to save its natural habitat,

                                                           besides replant the damages habitat or forest to become the tarsier habitat again.

                                                           Whats is the rill activities ?

                                                           - We provide the Tarsius Tour Programm. The program contents of  activitis such as watch the documentary video

                                                              about the Tarsier, chatting and discussion about tarsius and meet n greet with Tarsius. This activity will be done

                                                              regularly every saturday & sunday, 10.00 - 11.00 wib. In addition there are also program to visit the schools. The

                                                              target is  to reach 1000 audience until the end of 2017.

                                                           - Sahabat Alam School. This program is essentially to invite school children from elementary to high school to be  

                                                             closer to nature through one day outbound activities or camping in our site. The target of this activity is 500 school

                                                             children until the end of 2017.


 - Build the  breeding facility for Tarsier and develop the Tarsier education and Learning Center.


How to Get Involve ?


In this program, we would like to invite you all to joint, contribute and becoma part of this

program. There are many ways to do that, such as :


-  Field visit into the site and or promote to friends who wanna vacation to Belitung to visit the


-  Assisting funding for equipment needs and operational activities (as referenced in the

    "program kita hebat.pdf).

-  Or buy merchendise (T shirt and Pin) that we sell online.

For more details related to the KITA HEBAT  program, & Sahabat Alam School, please find more

on the Program Kita Hebat.pdf down.


Thanks you...

Hi, I am Budi Setiawan

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Over 20 years passioned in the environment, community empowerment, conservation, education and economic inclusive. Established NGO-KPLB since 1997, built Batu Mentas Natural Park and conducted in the research and conservation of Tarsius since 2007. Now active also in Perkumpulan Telapak Indonesia as National Coordinator of Community Based Tourism and actively helping communities in various places in Indonesia to develop their potencies become a destination, from strengthening in the grass root till building an international market. Active also in building piloting sustainable best reclamation model in several places affected by the mine.

Awarded Wana Lestari Award 2011 from Ministry of Forestry RI, Coastal Award 2012 from Ministry of Marine Affairs RI, invited as IVLP representative from US Ministry 2014, was awarded Equator Prize Award 2015 from UNDP and International representative speaker at the peak of World Ocean Day 2017 at United Nation Headquarter office in New York and received "Tourism for Tomorrow Award 2019" from World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) in Seville, Spain.

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